Services We Offer

Business Development

“Knowing your market increases your success”

Municipal Solutions….

  • Uncovers and expands new business opportunities.

  • Increases your Bid and Tender “success rate”.

  • Eliminates wastage of time and resources on low ratio bids.

  • Maximizes your allocation of resources and funds.

  • Enhances pre-bid intelligence gathering.


Market Analysis

“Don’t just roll the dice, compete and win”

Municipal Solutions…

  • Offers unparalleled pre-market and post-market opportunity analysis.

  • Increases your competitiveness by focusing on high return, high ratio projects.

  • Understands how to build on your strengths and minimize weaknesses.

  • Knows being months ahead of your competition gives you the winning edge.

  • Taps into industry wide trends and forecasts.

Strategic Planning

“Playing without a plan is playing to lose”

Municipal Solutions….

  • Provides valuable analysis to uncover new business opportunities and expand into compatible markets.

  • Builds your relationship with companies, utilities, academia, trade unions, stakeholder groups, business associations, and other key partners.

  • Provides clients with strategic planning advice and guidance to facilitate corporate realignments.

  • Coaches your staff and increases internal skills to make your team a winning team.

  • Develops a deliverable plan to help you succeed.


Energy & Infrastructure Advancement

“In order to win, you must know the rules of the game”

Municipal Solutions….

  • Has deep industry and government connections in Canada in the nuclear, energy, manufacturing and infrastructure sectors.

  • Turns reliable third party information into your competitive advantage.

  • Offers real-time research and analysis in key energy and infrastructure markets.

  • Knows where to look for new business development opportunities.

  • Has the experience, tools and resources to make you a winner in this expanding sector.

Public Policy Development

“We Cut Through The Red Tape So You Don’t Have To”

Municipal Solutions….

  • In partnership with our clients, we are bringing best practices to institutions with respect to Certificates of Qualification and Trade Licenses within their tender policies in keeping with the wishes of the Alberta and Ontario Ministries of Labour.

  • It is law in both provinces that only Licensed Trade persons are to be working on jobsites, however both Ministries lack the resources to adequately police this issue even on a complaint only basis.

  • We are pleased to report that we have been successful with having wording changes to put the Certificate of Qualifications issue and Trade Licenses into the front end of the tender process, requiring contractors to have a list of all personnel and their licenses on site.

  • The IBEW, Insulators, UA, Sheet Metal Workers in Canada & the USA and Municipal Solutions have also been successful in implementing or starting the process of implementation of the Certificate of Qualifications and Trade Licenses best practice policies at a number of Municipalities and Institutions across Ontario and Alberta.

  • Keeping with labour laws in each province across Canada and each state in the USA.


Stakeholder & Government Relations

“Making the rules work for you is the foundation for success”

Municipal Solutions….

  • Provides key advisors with over 40 years of public policy experience.

  • Specializes in developing progressive public policy options to support our client’s priorities.

  • Communicates with stakeholders and government in language they understand.

  • Opens doors and creates access to key decision makers.

  • Gives clients a plan that achieves success and builds opportunities.